Friday, March 13, 2009

Reality TV at its Finest

What is wrong with Paula Abdul?  Seriously, she is incoherent when she speaks and most of the time she is slurring her words.  I have no idea what the heck she is talking about AND she claps like a seal.  Her fingers are spread out to the maximum extension...ALL TEN OF THEM...and she claps like that?? Why??  I have no idea but, every week I wonder..."Is she drunk?"  "Does she need more sleep?"  "Is she on something?"  "Where can I get me some of that?"  This last week she looked as if a bird had flown directly into her boob since she had feathers coming out of her shirt. All aboard for the Paula Abdul train wreck...woo woo!!!  Next stop...Celebrity Intervention???

The Bachelor breaks up with his fiance on National TV and tells her he is dumping her for the other girl that he dumped at the Final Rose ceremony?  OK, what is wrong with this guy??? Can we just say he has some issues and leave it at that?

Can Maury Povich ever do a show that does not involve paternity tests and finding out who the skanks baby daddy is??  I very rarely watch this show (that is the truth, I swear) but, every time it is the same topic AND why on gods green earth would you ever go on a show to find out who your baby daddy is if you are even remotely not sure who it is???  It is ridiculous to say the least.

I think I am going to go back to watching Judge Judy and The People's Court where the cases are real and the decisions are final.  


This IS The Fun Part! said...

True, true, true and true!!!!

Ron Simpson said...

laughing ..

around here it is comedy TV and we call it the Maury "Who's your daddy?" Povich Show ..

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I fall in love with you each and every post.
I am so sorry to hear about your job stuff. When do you find out? Or is this just something they do every year? Our Fan-freaking-tastic government here in MN wants to CUT education by 7% over the next two years. No, that is NOT a typo. I cannot believe the insanity of that.
Umm, I hear my son with a hammer in the next room, bye!

Counselormama said...

I wish Judge Judy was the Principal of our school....

Counselormama said...

Oh, and maybe we should check Craig's list or ebay? Yeah baby!

Pam said...

I do not watch Paula or the Batchelor because they all annoy me.

Maury Povich--where did he go wrong? Is that the only thing he thinks we're interested in? Well he's wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

I much prefer The Real World and all of the 20 year old crying on The Hills and in The City. Does that make me a bad person?

Anonymous said...

You know I've been thinking the same thing about Paula years ago! She's gotta be on something she never makes sense and always so slow and confused!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Paula's clapping has been weirding me out for years and I have to tilt my head at unnatural angles to focus and tune into her frequency.

OG said...

Maury Povich's best work is long behind, although I do enjoy a good fat baby episode every now and then.

The bachelor is ridiculous...give me a girl who is relitvely cute, put us together in a mansion and pay for a bunch of extravegant dates and I'll fall in love with her in 6 weeks. Then once we're apart and back to our old lives for a month I'll realize we might be moving a little too fast.

By the way...Thanks for stopping by my blog