For example, I cannot stand it when I wear a long sleeve shirt in the morning (and I am freezing) and by the afternoon I am sweating up a storm. I try to layer the best I can but, I am not very good at this. I am not a fan of the pasty white legs on me or anyone else for that matter. Everyone seems to look sickly in the spring. I don't like spring cleaning and I can't stand shaving my legs more than once a week. When I want to start wearing sandals, my feet are usually a hot mess from being in socks and shoes for the past four months. I always hate going to get a pedicure for the first time in spring....I am sure the poor little girl doing my nasty toes is thinking, "I better be getting a good tip" yet, she always tells me that they aren't that bad. Ya, right!!! So, excuse me for not jumping up for joy that spring is here.
I am married to an allergy sufferer and during spring he is drippy, snotty, cranky, sneezy, whiny, grumpy and all the other dwarfs rolled into one super hot hubby, it is FABULOUS!!!! He tries to take some herbal type medicine from Whole Foods but, nothing seems to work. He complains and complains and I want to tell him...SUCK IT UP!!! That would just be mean so I, on the other hand, am just like Snow White...blissfully floating about while cleaning, singing, and cooking. Now, if you believe that, I have some property to sell you...anyone interested??
UPDATE: So, I am now realizing that this post may be a little bit...shall we say...negative?? Well, it has been a rough spring day around these here parts and I am just keepin it real. As for super hot hubby, he would not like to be referred to as whiny so I will withdraw that one...
Good thing you threw in the super hot at the end about your hubby cuz he really wasn't sounding that good up until that point. ;)
My, my, my... You really DO hate Spring!
And as for the dwarfy hubby~I feel for you with all the itchy, watery, drippy, sneezy issues.
Well, i feel you. Let's skip this winter and spring crap and just do summer, huh Wim? (You didn't think I could figure it out, did you?!? I am pretty smart!)
p.s. margaritas in cali sounds great to me!
I think that since you used 'super hot hubby' you are allowed to use whatever negatives come to mind without consequences .. ..
Really - if he's still super hot with all the watery, drippy, sneezy, etc. - baby, you've got yourself a keeper!
These windy days I 'm sure are adding to your spring dismay.
I have terrific spring allergies, but I've found a cocktail that works:
zyrtec (generic), Singulair and Flonase (generic)!
I've never had such a snot-free spring!!
My dear hubs has allergies, too. You forgot to mention that that is when the students at school seem to kick it up a notch!
yah. I'm with you on that. Especially the warm shirt in the AM and the hot sticky sweat after noon...and also? I HATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!! That in and of itself is why i hate spring...
...but then again, there are spring oreos and cadbury eggs and girl scout cookies to make it all better!
Great post!
Did you notice that something has been missing from your blog? It might have appeared around the time I stopped commenting? I’m sorry about all that. I took a little hiatus from the blogosphere, but I couldn’t stay away too long. After a break, I had to come by again and see what you’ve been up to.
Glad that I did.
PS: What's up with not having a date set for margaritas yet? Are you breaking up with me before we even have our first date?
You are allowed a negative post. It is your blog after all!
The only thing I hate about the wardrobe changes is how my kids throw everything in the dirty clothes - whether they need to be or not!
I would be excited about my "spring" pedicure except for my one "help me through the winter" pedicure resulted in two very painful plantar warts contracted from said pedicure salon.
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