1. I did NOT swear like a sailor when my super hot hubby wanted to clean out the garage on Sunday. I did NOT know that it would entail my help and all I wanted to do on Sunday was sit around in my pj's by a nice warm fire playing Earthopoly. I do NOT love this game because I beat super hot hubby at it every time we play.
2. I did NOT find an enormous amount o' crap up in the garage that I canNOT believe we ever used or had any intention of using.
3. I did NOT tell my super hot hubby that I would be photographing all the ridiculous things that we found up there to show all my followers the craziness that exists up in the rafters of our home.
3b. I did NOT find this pretty little number that I know I have never worn and cannot for the life of me figure out how it got up in the rafters in the first place. Hmmmm, I will have to think about this one. 3c. We did NOT find these beautiful Christmas candles that we have never even used. I have no idea how long they have been up there for but, the entire set of four were in there. 3d. This was NOT the contents of that same box. Yes, those are the same said candles and I do NOT think they look like the ones on the box (I really don't and it was kinda gross with all the wax all over the place but, it did smell good). Note to self, Christmas candles cannot survive the scorching heat of Sacramento in the rafters apparently.
4. I did NOT find enough Christmas lights (both outside and inside lights) to have a Christmas light fiesta next year. We are talking Griswalds family Christmas here people. Look for us next year!!!
The things we find in storage always bring so many questions to mind, like WTH? Where did that come from! Hilarious...
I don't clean things out with my hubby because he is a big time hoarder! He would have come up with some crazy reason to keep those beautiful candles! ;)
Oh wow, those are pretty candles. ;)
I can't tell you how many things I've ruined by forgetting about the heat of the attic. Last year I found an old can of stain that the previous owners had left up there. The only way I found it was because it was leaking through the attic into my garage on top of my car(thankfully just the windshield though.) Whew.
Love your not me Mondays! I hate cleaning the garage last time we tried to organize things it took a couple of days and now Its a mess again!
Seriously, who puts CANDLES in the attic? Are you kidding me?!
You may as well have struck a match and let them melt at Christmastime.
But you're right about the scent. I'm sure they smelled alot better than they look.
And to think that YOU are better at Earthopoly than SHH? I'm impressed, to say the least.
I LOVE griswald houses! I will totally drive from MN to see you lights. Thanks for the pics, it is nice to photographic evidence that we are not the only ones with stuff like an old WATERBED frame in our rafters.
Love those pics! I have a bag of clothes from the '80's that I am waiting to give to my daughter for dress up. As soon as the princess dresses don't fit, they are coming out!
haha... I have had that same thing happen with candles. My family and I do something called "bad santa" where you give crazy gifts to each other and you can swap and steal other peoples. I wrapped up my melted candles and put them in our bad santa last year... it was pretty funny when my mom opened up that present.
Those husbands always get in our way... seems like you kinda had fun anyway. Thanks for getting sucked in by my "clever" name today. :)
Those candles are cracking me up! How funny.
It is clear that you should begin a weekly routine of cleaning out your garage. This post was hilarious.
So, tell us, when is your next garage sale?
I am on the east coast of Florida (near Cocoa Beach) and for some reason, every year that I pack candles away after Chrsitmas - they ALWAYS get unpacked as a melted mess. Every year! What's up with that?
Grannie in Florida
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