Monday, March 9, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

1.  I did NOT laugh hysterically when the elementary school bus driver refused to take one of our kids home so the principal of  the school came out to "talk" with her about her reasoning behind this.  She did NOT tell him to "step off my bus" two times right in front of me and the said child that she was refusing to take home.  I did NOT turn to him and ask him "so, how does it feel to get kicked off the bus?"  He did NOT laugh at that moment (seriously, he didn't think it was funny...what?? Totally funny if you ask me).   He now sees the hilariousness in the whole situation and can laugh at the fact that the principal of the school got kicked off the bus.  

2.  I did NOT think it was funny when my high school friend (shout out to Skinny Bitch) posted some glorious pictures from prom, river trips, hanging out, etc.  The pictures themselves were funny enough but, the best part was 90% of the pictures, I had absolutely no recollection taking or who is even in them for that matter.  I was NOT drinking through most of my senior high school year as evidenced by the lack of memory and the height of my bangs.  GEEZ, could they be any higher...really?

3.  I did NOT hang out on Saturday like the Beverly Hillbillies on the neighbors front porch drinking wine, watching the kids play.  I did NOT then get home to do a little drunk facebooking (That is never good), only to see the same neighbors were drunk facebooking too!!  Who does NOT love drunk facebooking.  


Counselormama said...

LOVE drunk Facebooking! It's the perfect use of your time when you are intoxicated! You then get comments the next day and your like, what are they talking about???

Debbie said...

It is hard to explain away some of the things that show up on facebook, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip, I will try drunk facebooking as one of my de-stressing techniques!

Wayne said...

great not me monday,s sounds abit strange with the school bus incodent

Pam said...

Beverly Hillbillies? Should I be offended that that is precisely the kind of fun we enjoy with our neighbors? That would be a weekly occurence around here with our house being "home base." It makes wild children tolerable!

However, I do draw the line at ANY type of communication once the party has ended. It's just safer and less embarrassing that way.

Dawn said...

Drunken facebooking?! Snort!!

I remember tall bangs - it takes a lot of Aqua Net to keep up that kind of do.

Thank you for not making me laugh my butt off today.


peewee said...

Please, for the love of GOD tell us your FB name! or AT LEAST post said pics :)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I maybe knew you in high school. But, I can't remember either! What is even worse than drunk facebooking? Those who AREN'T drunk and type like they are!

Tulip Row said...

# 3 is hilarious!!!

Jane Anne said...

You only have 3 Not Mes but they are all so great! I have this great mental image of the school bus incident. I am glad the Principal could laugh later, anyway.