I did NOT have the most ridiculously crazy week at work with enough not me material to suffice for an entire post.
1. I did NOT laugh hysterically (and I mean milk would have come out my nose, hysterically) when a male 5th grade teacher came into the office holding a pair of g-string panties that he found on the floor of his classroom. Who lost their g-string in a 5th grade classroom??? OMG...I can only hope it was some how stuck in someone's pant leg or something.
2. On the very same day, I did NOT have a child fall in the mud and call home to have a replacement pair of pants brought to her. Her father did NOT ask me if we had some pants in the lost and found for his daughter to wear. I did NOT respond with "Ummm, ya, most kids don't lose their pants at school so, NO we don't have any in the lost and found."
3. I did NOT have to endure the entire school band in my office last Friday...flutes, clarinets, trumpets, electric guitars (with amps), and drums. The following conversation did NOT occur in my office that day:
Band instructor: "You are supposed to blow not suck."
Innocent student: "I don't understand...I only blow?"
Band instructor: "Yes, don't suck on your instrument...just blow."
Innocent student: "OK, I think I get it now."
Band instructor: "Now put your instrument in your mouth and show me how you blow."
I swear, I could make this up but I didn't. I don't think I have this good of an imagination...even if I tried. CRAZY!!!
4. I did NOT have an entire conversation with my craz...I mean lovely mother while she was in the bath tub. She called me and the whole conversation sounded like she was in a tunnel. I asked her about it and she told me she was in the tub at the time and then the line went dead. I am wondering if she dropped the phone in the tub and needs assistance at this time. Maybe I should check on her??
Love your Not Mes!! Did they every find out whose g-string that was and how it ended up in the classroom floor? Too funny!!
Wow.. that G string one rocked. I have never had that happen, but I only teach 4th grade... so I guess I am lucky!?!?
Hi there. I just followed your link from mckmama just wanted to tell you I've visited. I think your not mes are SOO funny!
Love your blog. (the trip to San Fran sounds lovely too.)
Happy Monday!
from babygutierrez.blogspot.com
LOVE the band conversation! Too good!
I taught 7th grade for 10 years. Lordy, if you could see the things we found at middle school!!
Happy Monday!
A g-string??? Now THAT'S funny!
Great Not Me's...thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! Feel free to visit again, anytime. :o)
Blow don't suck. OMG! That is hilarious.
I just so love that whole band picture in my head!
Man, I coulda learned a thing or two if I'd only joined the band!
Ya gotta love 5th grade band practice! Maybe it was the band instructor's G string???? That was too funny!
That is funny stuff! The band situation is just straight out of a sitcom!
Yeah, I would think lost pants wouldn't be that common. Of course, g-strings are another story :D
the poor kid being critizied!! Yeah kids are growing up so fast a g-string??That's craaaazzzyy!
OMG!! I am laughing so hard! That last one was hilarious...maybe you should call and check on your mom? Happy Monday!
OMGosh, the g-string in 5th grade?! Crazy, absolutely crazy.
You are so funny I just cannot stand it. I wish I could remember stuff when it happens to me. But then again, if THAT kind of stuff happened to me, who could forget it?!
Wow! Your supply of Not Mes must be endless working in a middle school!
Okay, LOLOLOL on this post. I'm putting you in my file as a potential winner for my Field Trip Friday feature this week. And I'm following! Cause I like your funny voice girl!
hardy haw haw ... g-string! BRRAAWWHHHAAWW ...
Me again! What? You are only posting once a week now? And what gives? I've only seen you on FB once this week! How can I stalk you if you don't come around? Hee hee! I'm only kidding, I would never stalk anyone, that is weird.
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