I say..."But, Marbucks isn't known for their doughnuts, they are famous for their overly caffeinated coffee beverages. You mean that they have a pastry better than the petite vanilla scones?" And, boy howdy, do they ever!!! Their glazed doughnuts are so yummy. They have just enough glaze (or some type of crack cocaine since it is so addictive) on them that they aren't too mushy and they are still sweet and it was still moist at 10:00 when I began my make out session with the doughnut. I ate the whole thing in about four bites and it left me wanting more. I am salivating just thinking about it...this can't be good.
As the day wore on, I continued to think about that doughnut and the fact that I had skipped my run that morning. I felt really guilty that I, not only, skipped my run but had a tasty treat as well. When I got home I went for that run to punish myself for eating a piece of the devil himself. Do you know what happened? I had the best run EVER!!! I even ran an extra half mile on top and felt great after. I have now convinced myself that Marbucks doughnuts are necessary for my running schedule. Is that wrong?
Why did you do this to me? Why?
and now that I know theirs are good? I'll never resist. Ever.
I am going to dream of donuts tonight. Sigh.
"Marbuck's"~~Waahh Haa Haa! You are so stinkin' funny I can't stand it.
And taking a bite out of the devil~~I can't even go there!
Who knew about these fine donuts and didn't tell me?
I can clearly see that an intervention IS necessary and I'll hop the Red-Eye to the West Coast TONIGHT. Oh, wait. Our airport doesn"t service Red-Eye flights. Lame, I know. Well, we'll figure something out!
It is possible that my latest post to my blog might be of some help to you. Some really excellent diet and exercise tips that may do something for that guilt you are enduring so well.
It sure eliminated all my dieting guilt!
I'm the Momma, That's Why!
my honey is a coffee addict .. and she fell in love with the coffee and beniets at the Cafe Du Monde in Nawlin's while we were there for a teachers conference .. I went to symposiums while she went for coffee .. now we are 700 miles from there (a good deterrent) .. heaven help me if she finds something close here locally ..
Why do you do this to me? I am always perusing the pastries at uh, Marbucks, and now I have to try the donut!
No, no, no, no!! What is wrong is that now I am totally craving "Marbucks"!!! I haven't had the donuts there, though. I am trapped by their blueberry scone. By all means, don't try those! They are addictive, too.
I love Marbucks doughnuts too! But only once a month or so! I could not handle the guilt!
I'm always so disappointed when the children don't finish their 'Marbucks' petite vanilla scone and I have to do it for them. It really ruins my day. I hope I don't have to order a donut for them now. That would be a real shame.
Marbucks? I wish we had that pastry store in Texas, I would go at least once a month and not feel guilty!!:)
I did not know that Marbucks had such treats! This is new and valuable information because I've always gone to Munkin Monuts.
Marbucks....Marbucks...Hmm. Can't think of the connection.
But I hear that StarMucks down my street has donuts but They're A DOLLAR FIFTY! I liked 'em okay. Maybe you guys get a different brand?
haha... I totally went to "marbucks" that night cause I wanted to try the delicious donuts... they were out! :( so sad... maybe next time!
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