Saturday, July 25, 2009

Step right up

I know all of you out there have been to one of the rinky dink traveling carnivals that pop up in the parking lots of your local strip mall.  Last night I had the pleasure of taking the family to one of these and it was fun yet quite scary. Some "interesting" people work at these carnivals and even more "interesting" people attend them.  We witnessed an argument between two of the of which was working at the dart booth (YIKES...not really the person I would choose to pick a fight with). She ended up walking away to go have a smoke...thank goodness.  You and I both know that she had thoughts of throwing that dart right between his eyes or a little further south of his eyes (if you get my drift).  There were two men walking around with their shirts their defense, it was hot but for the record I had my shirt on...I'm just sayin'.  These men had tattoos all over their backs, fronts, arms, necks, etc.  One had a pretty little sunshine around his belly button (which kinda confused me with the stark contrast between that and the scary dragon on his back).  He walked around the entire time smokin' and with his finger placed inside his betty button...why?  No idea but, it was SEXY!!!!  Booma chicka bow wow!!! We spent a crap load of money on rigged games and broken down rides and it only took us about 20 minutes and all we have to show for it is a stuffed monkey and a stuffed Nemo fish.  JEALOUS??? 


Kristina P. said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure most of the people that work there also were on Rock of Love at some point.

Just Add Walter said...

haha... wish I had a stuffed monkey and nemo... sounds like you had an interesting time!

forever folding laundry said...

At least you didn't come home with any crap, right??

Fairs are truly the best. I can't remember the last time I saw a man walking around fondling his belly button. That is good stuff!!


Counselormama said...

I have always wondered who attends these "strip mall" carnivals! I often walk around with my finger in my belly button, is this not socially acceptable??? ;)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Wow. That is a pretty intense experience. FInger in his belly button? Sick. Sick.

That's What She Said said...

belly buttons gross me out. :)

I've deleted my blog and restarted.. Well fixing to!