Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Day After Halloween....

Always a good day around our house. The kids like to trade candy and they get along pretty well since we threaten to take all the candy away if they argue. This is never a good time for me to be alone in my own house. I shamelessly raid their candy bags and don't feel the least bit bad about it. I absolutely know that all of you do the same...fess up!!! I am feeling much better now since I have been eating my dad's cookie dough that he bought from us for a soccer fundraiser and we have been housing it in our freezer for the past month. About a week ago, I decided I could listen to the cookie dough calling me NO MORE!! I busted into that tub and I have been eating it like ice cream. So, now I have my kids candy AND my dad's cookie dough that I can eat like ice cream...SCORE!!! I only have so much self control...Give me a break here, people!


Counselormama said...

Cookie dough? Man, there is no way I could keep that stuff around, it would be gone in a day! When are you going to call me???

peewee said...

I don't have kids. Sooooo, I just buy LOTS of candy, for you know, trick or treaters! Annnddd, since our entire neighborhood is Hasidic Jews, we don't even get ONE. But still, I buys about 5 bags. FOR the trick or treaters.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Thanks. Now all i can think about is cookie dough!!

Debbie said...

Oh sure. I raid the bags. Is there someone out there that doesn't do that?